The area of labour and labour relations, due to its importance on the social, political, and economic levels, is one of the structuring vectors of any government strategy. The current reality accentuates the urgency of rethinking the model of economic development pursued in recent decades in Portugal and the legal labour regime that has been supporting it. Supported by an analysis of current economic and labour contexts and based on a negative assessment of the liberalization of labour relations that took place in recent decades, the Decent Work Agenda contains a set of proposals which will tend to lead to the amendment of the Labour Code.

Building on the ideas of decent work and the valorization of workers, the Agenda identifies a set of issues and aims to restore a fairer model of labour relations, despite the omission on fundamental subjects regarding the promotion of dignity at work and job security.

Keywords: Decent Work Agenda, public policy assessment, Labour Code, labour reform

Authors: Filipe Lamelas, Pedro Rita

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