Rather than a mere translation of natural hazards affecting all, the socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are a manifestation of socially construed and fostered risks. Even if its origins are natural, the risks materialize asymmetrically in society, the economy and polity. This book addresses from a multidimensional and multiscale perspective, social and socioeconomic vulnerabilities in face of the pandemic crises and its socioeconomic consequences. The analysis of vulnerabilities unfolds across three main dimensions (susceptibilities, exposures and protections) and addresses sequentially the national, sectoral and employment instances. Together with a diagnostic of the structural vulnerabilities affecting the Portuguese society to the point of placing it in a particularly fragile situation in the present context, this book offers a critical scrutiny of the emergency measures adopted and a reflection on public policy paths which may contribute to strengthen he economic fabric, improve employment quality and reduce inequalities.

Keywords: COVID-19, socioeconomic vulnerabilities, emergency policy measures
