CoLABOR’s strategy for the first three years of activity centers in five axis

  • assessing the impacts of technology on work and labour relations
  • assessment of social responses
  • DataLABOR
  • assessment of the adequacy of the Social Security models
  • dissemination and internationalisation

Financed Projects

Designação do projeto: Contratação de Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados

Código do projeto: LISBOA-05-3559-FSE-000001

Objetivo principal: Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Região de intervenção: Lisboa

Entidade beneficiária: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo para o Trabalho, Emprego e Proteção Social

Data de aprovação: 31/05/2019

Data de início: 01/01/2019

Data de conclusão: 31/12/2021

Custo total elegível: 1.380.000,00 EUR

Apoio financeiro da União Europeia: Fundo Social Europeu, FSE – 690.000,00 EUR

Apoio financeiro público nacional: Orçamento do Estado – 690.000,00 EUR

O Laboratório Colaborativo para o Trabalho, Emprego e Proteção Social mobiliza recursos da academia, empresas, administração pública e organizações da economia social e solidária com vista ao aprofundamento do conhecimento de problemas presentes e antecipáveis em torno de três eixos de atividade: a) trabalho e emprego; b) proteção social; c) economia social e solidária. Estão projetados produtos inovadores com impacto no plano nacional e internacional.

The development of this project, that aims to create the Investment Center for the Social Security National Institute, that will manage the Reserve and Stabilization Fund for the Mandatory Social Protection (FREPSO) in Angola, includes the elaboration of the following reports:
1) Report on the Model of Operationalization of the Investment Center/FREPSO;
2) Designing the Processes related to the Model of Operationalization;
3) Manual of Procedures related to the Model of Operationalization;
4) Definition of the Human Resources Profiles, Needs and Formation Plan.

FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Title of Project: Special Support RESEARCH4COVID-19

Project Code: Project n. 804, Work, Telework and Social Distancing in a Pandemic Situation

Main Objective: This project aims to evaluate the implementation capacity of telework in the Portuguese economic fabric and its corresponding geographical distribution, as well as the experience of effective implementation and potential barriers. The aim is to have a more concrete picture of the capacity of instant confinement and the capacity of progressive deconfinement, at local level, thus contributing to the prevention of the pandemic and to the intervention at local public health level

Beneficiary: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo para o Trabalho, Emprego e Proteção Social

Approval date: 08/06/2020

Start date: 09/07/2020

Conclusion date: 09/01/2021

Total funding: 40,000.00 EUR

Within the scope of the Social Protection Research line, CoLABOR’s mission for the Social and Solidarity Economy sector is the evaluation of social responses and the development of innovative models.

The COVID-19 pandemic, and its incidence among the institutionalised elderly, led to the reframing of the activities initially planned for the project “The Impact of COVID-19 on Nursing Homes”. This project was created by CoLABOR and has been developed in partnership with its founding associates, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) and Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade (CNIS), receiving the support of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS).

A key component of this study is a nationwide survey applied not only to the Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI) belonging to institutions from the public, solidarity, and private sectors, but also to the Long-Term and Maintenance Units (ULDM) from the National Network of Integrated Continuous Care (RNCCI).

The study has two main goals. The first is to characterise the Long-Term Care sector, composed of nursing homes (also known as ERPI) and ULDM, namely by mapping the network of social responses in accordance with their location, size, type of facilities, human resources and resident population. The second objective is to analyse the impacts of COVID-19 on its organisational and epidemiological aspects, as well as the effectiveness of preventive measures, the coordination between public authorities in response to outbreaks and the facilities’ capacity to control the infection’s spread.

With the results of the study, CoLABOR alongside its members and partners seeks to contribute to the improvement of public health and social protection policies that ensure the best possible well-being for older people, aiming as well to promote the necessary public debate on how to ensure appropriate mechanisms for financing and implementing new social responses to the ageing process.

The project “The future of work in the automotive sector in Portugal”, developed in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), investigates the impacts on work and employment of socio-technical changes underway in the automotive sector. The aim is to better understand how processes of technological change interact with social structures, institutional frameworks, public policies and business strategies, producing changes in work processes and employment patterns. Starting from a characterisation of global changes, of the positioning of the automobile sector in Portugal in the value chains and of the strategies of the key actors in the sector in Portugal, the project aims at outlining policy responses (industrial and others) facing the anticipable scenarios.

Within the scope of the annual project developed by the Instituto de Políticas Públicas (IPPS-ISCTE), The State of the Nation and Public Policies, COLABOR will develop, implement and update a statistical data platform on different domains relevant for the analysis of public policies, entitled The State of the Nation in Numbers.

Title of Project:“Social Sciences – Technology and Society”

Project Code: FP21-1B052 / A task-based assessment of the level of digitalization of different sectors of the Portuguese workforce

Main Objective: Study on the process of digitalisation and automation of work and its implications for the workforce in Portugal. Specifically, this project adopts an innovative methodological approach where the tasks that make up the occupations are used to investigate whether there is a disproportionate distribution of skilled workers between more digitised and less digitised occupations in Portugal.
The collection of information on the content-tasks of the occupations will allow developing two indexes: the digitalisation index, used to characterise the jobs regarding their level of digitalisation; and the automation index, which will serve to characterise the feasibility of the jobs being automated.

Beneficiary: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo para o Trabalho, Emprego e Proteção Social

Approval date: 16/12/2022

Start date:

Conclusion date: 30/08/2022

Total funding: 25.000 EUR

Title of Project: INCA – Increase CORporate POlitical REsponsibility and Accountability

Project Code: Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01

Main Objective: A Horizon Europe project, coordinated by the University of Bologna, focusing on the growing power of large technology companies (GAFAM – Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazon/Microsoft).

The goal is to analyse, on the one hand, how this platform company model has developed (dimension ‘Economy’) and the corresponding power (dimension ‘Democracy’) and, on the other hand, how it transpires in public discourse (dimension ‘Discourse’).

CoLABOR is responsible for the coordination of a task (WP5 – Mapping Industrial Relations in Platform Economy), which focuses on the impacts of this platformisation process of work and employment.

Beneficiary: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo para o Trabalho, Emprego e Proteção Social

Approval date: 18/02/2022

Start date: 01/10/2022

Conclusion date: 31/03/2026

Total funding: 209.327,50 EUR

CoLABOR Projects

The TIAT Toolkit has the following objectives:

1) to anticipate the effects of introducing technology in organisations;

2) the construction of scenarios with various means of legal regulation, work organisation, and social protection;

3) the management of micro-social relationships in the workplace and its regulation so as to prevent tensions, conflicts and other unwelcome outcomes;

4) the promotion of technological innovation in the context in which organisations operate, whether upstream with suppliers and subcontractors, or downstream with clients and users (acceptance of automated services; new ways of collective bargaining; impacts on Social Security funding).

The main objectives of this activity are to:

1) identify the impacts of technological, demographic and economic change on the redefinition of the role and key objectives of the social security systems in light of their “historic” functions;

2) identify the impact of these changes on the reconfiguration, simplification and “targeting” of the different welfare benefits, with a view to maximising adequacy;

3) develop analytical tools which, in addition to incorporating the dimensions usually considered in the more widely used models – demography, employment and product – also take into account the distribution of income, technological changes, articulation with complementary capitalisation systems, the transformation of social risks, as well as the effects of reconfiguring the actual social security system in the variables that influence its future sustainability;

4) strengthen the social security system by drafting proposals for the reconfiguration of the current system, in particular the redesign of pension plans in the framework of these new demographic and technological requirements.

This activity has the following objectives:

1) the mapping of the emerging societal challenges and their consequences for the sustainability and form of governance of social services (e.g. growing need for response to serious dementia and situations of extreme dependence in old age; adapting responses to people with impairments);

2) definition of a sustainable model for the funding and provision of care services that establishes a liaison between home and institutional care services;

3) drawing up of proposals on the governance model of social services, in accordance with the evolution of the territory’s administrative organisation.

DataLABOR has the following objectives:

1) making technical notes available to the general public and to institutions. These notes will permit the timely decodification of the legislation and regulation produced in the areas of work, employment and social protection;

2) preparation of dynamic indicator systems that have been duly interpreted and mapped, and that contemplate different dimensions of territorial disaggregation.